Friday, January 17, 2020

11 & 12 Language related assignment Essay

Generative Context A woman student in Brighton walked home by herself late at night and was mugged. She was carrying a lot of cash, didn’t tell her friends she was leaving the club and walked down some dark steps. The next day I criticised her actions. 2. Meaning We use this form to express a critical attitude towards the past actions of someone else. (Advice after the event – Rosemary Aitken – Teaching Tenses – p. 138) 3. Form (subject) + should (+ not) + have + past participle 4. Phonemic transcription, including marking the main stressed syllables (Longman dictionary of contemporary English) Particular attention needs to be paid to the weak form of â€Å"have† and, possibly there may need to be some revision of the various pronunciations of the â€Å"ed† ending of the past participle 5. Concept checking questions (with answers), and, where appropriate, time lines, diagrams, pictures, etc Did she go home by herself? Yes Was it dangerous? Maybe Was it a good idea? No Am I criticising her? Yes Am I talking about the past or the future? The past Entirely accurate Accesses reference material & reference information learned about language to an appropriate source No evidence – even implicit – of appropriate source being referenced Evidence (even implicit) of some referencing of appropriate sources Plenty of explicit evidence of appropriately referenced research Uses written language which is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task Numerous errors

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